Find Christian Counselor

Terms of Use – Privacy Policy

We, Find Christian Counselors, have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to your right to privacy. This privacy statement discloses the information collection and disclosure practices for our website (the “website”). By accessing the website, you consent to the collection and use of information as described herein. We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time. If we make any material changes to our privacy statement, we will post a new statement on the website and update the effective date set forth above. Therefore, we encourage you to check the date of our privacy statement whenever you visit the website to see if it has been updated since your last visit.


Personal Information. When you register for certain services on the website, we will ask you to provide personal information. For some services, we collect personal information, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address or telephone number. We may also collect demographic information, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, and preferences. Information we collect may be combined with information we obtained through other services we offer. We may collect information about your visit to the website, including the pages you view, the links you click and other actions taken in connection with the website and services. We may also collect certain standard information that your browser sends to every web site you visit, such as your IP address, browser type and language, access times and referring website addresses. Our website may also provide you with various services. In these instances, we may collect additional information related to the services. In order for us to provide these services.

Aggregate Information. Aggregate information is data we collect about a group or category of products, services or users, from which individual user identities have been removed. We collect aggregate information about you and your use of our services and combine it with information about how others use the same service. Such aggregate information includes, without limitation, site traffic, page views, and impressions. This information may be correlated to you for our internal use only. However, we may collect, compile, store, publish, promote, sell, or otherwise disclose or use any and all aggregate information (i.e., information that does not personally identify you).


We use personal information internally to serve our users and to enhance and extend our relationship with our users. Our services may include the display of personalized content and advertising. For example, by understanding how you use the website from your computer, we are able to customize and personalize your experience. More specifically, we use personal information for the purposes for which it was collected (such as to provide you with the services), to anticipate and resolve problems with our website, to respond to customer support inquiries, and to send you periodic e-mail newsletters which may inform you of other products or services offered by Find Christian Counselors and its affiliates, to send you relevant survey invitations related to our services and for our own internal operations (including internal analysis as described below). We may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your personal information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. By registering for our website or otherwise submitting an inquiry to us you agree to receive the materials described herein. You may unsubscribe at any time from receiving non-service related communications. You should review the following section to understand when we disclose personal information to third parties.


Except as set forth in this privacy statement, we do not disclose, sell, rent, loan, trade or lease any personally identifying information collected at our website to any third party. We will disclose personal information in the following circumstances:

Internal Analysis and Operations. We will use and disclose information about you for our own internal statistical, design or operational purposes, such as to estimate our audience size, measure aggregate traffic patterns, and understand demographic, user interest, purchasing and other trends among our users. We may outsource these tasks and disclose personal information about you to third parties, provided the use and disclosure of your personal information by these third parties are restricted to the performance of such tasks. We may also share personal information with third-party vendors who assist us in performing internal functions necessary to operate our business. We require our third party vendors to keep such information confidential and to only use the information for the purpose it was provided.

Transaction Processing. We will disclose personal information to one or more third parties, as necessary, to provide you with the services. As stated above, your personal information is forwarded to one or more third party service providers in order to provide you with the services. If a particular service provider is unable to fulfill your request within a reasonable time, we may forward your information to an alternate service provider to ensure that your request is fulfilled. Service providers may contact you to complete the transactions you have requested by any methods available to him or her including via e-mail, telephone, regular mail, in person visits or other means. We do not regulate how these third-party service providers use or disclose your personal information and are not responsible for removing your information from any third party lists. Please contact the third party service providers directly to be removed from their lists.

Protection of Find Christian Counselors and Others: We disclose personal information when we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law (e.g., a lawful subpoena, warrant or court order); to enforce or apply this privacy statement or our other policies or agreements; to initiate, render, bill, and collect for amounts owed to us; to protect our or our users’ rights, property or safety; or to protect our users from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of, our website; or if we reasonably believe that an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure of communications or justifies disclosure of records without delay.

Business Transfers. In addition, information about users of our website, including personally identifiable information provided to us by our users, may be disclosed as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, sale of company assets, as well as in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership in which personally identifiable information could be transferred to third parties as one of the business assets of the company.

Co-Branded Services. Some services may be co-branded and offered in conjunction with another company. If you register for or use such services, both Find Christian Counselors and the other company may receive information collected in conjunction with the co-branded services.


Please be aware that we may provide links to third-party websites from our website as a service to our users and we are not responsible for the content or information collection practices of those websites. We have no ability to control the privacy and data collection practices of such website and the privacy policies of such website may differ from that of Find Christian Counselors. Therefore, we encourage you to review and understand the privacy policies of such website before providing them with any information.


We may use cookies to identify users and customize their experience on our site based on the information they give us. Cookies are small pieces of information or files that are stored on a user’s computer by the Web server through a user’s browser for record-keeping purposes. A cookie itself is not designed or intended to read any information from your computer (other than the contents of the cookie); rather, it is an identifier used by the website that originally placed it on your hard drive. The actual contents of the cookie information can be retrieved by the same site’s Web server in order to personalize, monitor, or regulate the use of the site. We do not use Web beacons or similar technology on our website.


We use reasonable security measures to store and maintain personally identifying information to protect it from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction by any unauthorized party while it is under our control.


We do not intend, and these websites are not designed, to collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years old, you should not register for our services or otherwise provide information on our website.


Find Christian Counselors gives users the following options for accessing, changing and deleting personal information previously provided, or opting out of receiving communications from us:

Contact us here.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of our website, or your dealings with our website, please contact us here.

Find Christian Counselors